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Spilhaus map layouts with varying export sizes. Viable in ArcGIS Pro version 2.5+. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Feb 5, 2020 Item updated: Sep 25, 2020 Number of downloads: 1,982

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1966 characters left.


The Spilhaus World Ocean in a Square is a map that depicts the world's oceans as a single body of water -their true configuration. Suitable for small scale visualizations of oceanic systems, this map provides a captivating visual framework for purposes that would benefit from revealing the contentedness of our planet's marine environment.
This ArcGIS Pro project comes pre-populated with the World Oceans basemap, with an Arctic coverage basemap and a background layer to fill the World Oceans basemap "hole" at the South Pole.
Three layouts (12 inch, 24 inch, and 36 inch) include a vignette to occlude areas of land (unnecessary for Spilhaus maps) in both white and black options.

Learn more about the historical and mathematical sleuthing that gave rise to this map in this StoryMap:

Find inspiration in some examples of this map in various configurations and data sets:

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Terms of Use

Download this Pro project and use it with impunity! After all, most of it covers international waters where anything goes!
If you are feeling generous, you could cite your map as a Spilhaus map, but that's up to you and wholly optional.

No special restrictions or limitations on using the item's content have been provided.

Comments (3)

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[Deleted User] Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete Reply

Hi John. Is this only compatible with ArcGIS Pro 2.5 (and later)? I get the warning sign when I open up the file and everything is blank in current release (2.4.3)

[Deleted User] Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete

Thanks! Got the 2.5 and it opened without a hitch!

j_nelson Item Owner commented 5 years ago Delete

Yes, Spilhaus is only available in ArcGIS Pro 2.5+. ArcGIS Pro 2.5 is currently available, though, so you can start rocking and rolling today.

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          ID: 9b2ce7c8179b4744af7bf3ddb86b7804

          Image Count: 0

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          Credit yourself for using such a great map framework for global ocean data.

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