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Aggregations and incidents of 40 years of piracy, sourced from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's ASAM database. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

‎Web Map by

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Item created: Jan 29, 2019 Item updated: Mar 15, 2024 View count: 22,607

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The NGA keeps a record of all reported piracy incidents, available as a searchable/filterable database called Anti-Shipping Activity Messages (ASAM). This data is also available as a download. Find the data, and the NGA mission, here.
This web map visualizes these incidents of piracy (ranging from 1978 to October 2018) both as an aggregation layer of 50,000 square kilometer hexagonal cells at broad scales and then feathering into the individual incidents themselves at closer scales.
Hexagons are scaled via the overall count of incidents within, and present that count via the pop up. Individual incidents are shown as discrete feature locations with date, aggressor, victim, and descriptions available via the pop up.

This map uses the Firefly imagery basemap and Firefly point symbols available for ArcGIS Pro here, and ArcGIS Online here.

From the NGA:
"Anti-shipping Activity Messages (ASAM) include the locations and descriptive accounts of specific hostile acts against ships and mariners. The reports may be useful for recognition, prevention and avoidance of potential hostile activity."

Here is a derived static map showing global patterns over the 40-year time span of the database. This video walks through the creation of the map.

John Nelson

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Please use and share this map as needed. Please cite the NGA as the data source, pointing to the download link.

No special restrictions or limitations on using the item's content have been provided.

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          John Nelson, Esri. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Anti-Shipping Activity Messages (ASAM).

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