Each year, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Solutions Network releases the results of a survey of the state of global "happiness." This World Happiness Report ranks 155 countries by their self-reported sense of well being.
What is happiness? Can the happiness of a nation be measured? If so, what does that look like? It starts by asking people to imagine a ladder...
Happiness is a hard thing to pin down. You can ask someone how far they are up on the happiness ladder, but then how do you explain what might push them up those rungs? I'm amazed at the sheer volume of information that the UN team pushed through their statistical robot to determine these six key explainers. And I'm always amazed at the additional dimensions of understanding that come with visualizing something geographically -especially something as intrinsically geographic as this.
I hope you found some insights and found yourself asking your own questions as we explored this map. What's more, I hope you think critically about new or better ways of presenting information like this. In the end, the maps we make are just tools to do right by a phenomenon, to give it some structure that might whisper into the ear of another person.
I had fun puzzling over ways to present this phenomenon, and I'm pretty happy with the Wheel of Happiness. Stay tuned for a more nerdy dive into how to make these things, what about them works, and what they aren't so good at. Until then...
Happy Mapping! John
Created with Story Map Cascade
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